Application for clients

A user-friendly zone in Fitebo for your clients to carry out their training from A to Z

Your own workout app without breaking the bank

Have you ever wished for your own fitness app? It's now within your reach! Personalize the logo and color scheme of your plans and client interface to create a one-of-a-kind, tailored environment for your clients.

Fitebo - Client App - main screen

Interactive training log

Your customers will be impressed by the features of the online training log and the easy access to workout plans. The "Train" feature will take them through the plan you have designed from A to Z. They can track their completed repetitions and weights used, and their progress will be clearly visualized, helping them to regularly improve their results and stay motivated.

Build lasting relationships

With Fitebo, you gain the Client App - a tool that allows you to strengthen your relationship with your clients. With progress monitoring features, your clients will always be motivated and engaged in their training, and you will have full control over their progress.

Fitebo - client's measurements
Fitebo - client questionnaire

No limitations for your clients

The Client App is available to your clients regardless of whether they use a smartphone, tablet, or computer. It does not require downloading or installation, and your clients can conveniently use it from their browser.

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