Own training application – the secret of the best trainers

How to stand out as a personal trainer?

The fitness industry is currently very competitive and the number of personal trainers is constantly growing. Therefore, it's difficult to stand out among many other specialists offering similar services. In this article, you'll learn how to shine in the fitness market and why it'll soon be completely dominated by those who have... well, what? You've probably figured it out by now, but let's start with the basics.

Why is it so hard to break into the fitness market?

No regulation of the profession of personal trainer

In many countries, the fitness industry is not regulated by law, which means that there are no qualification and licensing requirements for personal trainers. As a result, anyone can claim to be a personal trainer, making it difficult for clients to distinguish professionals from those with less (or no) qualifications.

Internet knowledge

Nowadays, when practically everyone has access to the Internet, where you can find a lot of information about diet and training, people often explore their knowledge on their own and try to train on their own – without using the services of personal trainers.

Individual preferences

Each client has different goals, preferences and needs. Not everyone is looking for a personal trainer and not everyone wants to train in the same way. It's hard to stand out as a personal trainer when you have to meet the expectations and adapt to the diversity of clients in this seemingly disordered target group.

Building trust

Gaining clients' trust as a personal trainer is not always easy. Many people have had negative experiences with trainers who promised great results but didn't provide the right support or weren't professional enough. Therefore, it takes a lot of work to build a reputation as a trustworthy and effective personal trainer.

Marketing and promotion

In order to stand out on the fitness market as a personal trainer, an effective and creative approach to marketing and promotion of one's services is necessary. This requires skills in internet marketing, brand building and effective communication with potential customers.

Despite these challenges, it's possible to stand out in the fitness market as a personal trainer. With help comes Fitebo  a comprehensive platform for personal trainers. Thanks to Fitebo, you'll develop your business and increase the involvement of your clients by providing them with a personalized Client App with your logo and selected colors. Learn more about the Client App here.

The secret of the best trainers

In today's dynamic fitness world, the market is full of talented and competent trainers. How to make your services stand out and attract potential customers? You probably have recommendations, convincing stories of metamorphoses of your clients, and you probably think that you are good at what you do. That's great, but did you know that at least half of the world's personal trainers can say the same about themselves?

Among these people there is a very small group of so-called "big players". They take over the lion's share of customers, easily creating a "snowball" effect in their business. But they weren't always on top. How did they get there? What is their secret?

Your own training app

The best trainers in the world realize how important it is to have a unique training platform or your own fitness app.

There is one most important reason why they decided to create their own platform. In today's era of technology development, your own application in a radical and unprecedented way strengthens relationships with customers and increases their involvement.

Of course, creating your own fitness platform involves a huge amount of time and money. Fortunately, neither of these are now a problem. Fitebo meets the expectations of coaches who are serious about their future.

Ready solution

Fitebo was created to facilitate the development of your fitness business. Thanks to our unique functionality, which is the Client Appyou can provide your clients with your own personalized training application with your logo and selected colors.

We did everything for you. You don't have to hire a team of programmers and spend hundreds of hours of work. This is a real revolution in the fitness industry for which... you are ready.

Why is it worth having your own fitness app?

A personalized experience

Your own fitness app allows you to deliver even more personalized workouts that you can tailor to your individual needs and goals  literally in real time. Thanks to the fact that you keep your finger on the pulse all the time, having insight into the progress of your clients, they achieve better results and outcomes.

Support and motivation

Access to the Client App is a great motivator that encourages your customers to engage in regular physical activity. Customers who have access to the Client App are much more willing to perform trainings, which translates positively into their effects and long-term cooperation with you.

Easy access to information and training

Your clients have easy access to their training history, measurements and training plans. Thanks to the possibility of using the "Train" function, training becomes pure pleasure for your customers. They no longer have to waste time looking for schedules on e-mail or in messengers. They can also say goodbye to keeping a training diary in a notebook.

Data analysis

With real-time insight into your clients' progress and reports, you can provide them with more precise guidance and personalized advice. Customers will surely appreciate your words of recognition after you comment on the notification you just received about the leg workout they did. This is a huge dose of motivation for them, which will make you keep your clients for good.

Expanding the brand and reach

Having your own fitness platform makes it much easier to grow your brand and build a larger customer base. By sharing information about such a professional service, you can reach a wide group of customers. The increased reach and popularity will attract new customers and will certainly increase the sales of services.

The growing popularity of mobile technologies and devices makes fitness applications more and more common and often crucial for people who care about their health and physical condition. Increasing number of people are using mobile applications to monitor their physical activity, training progress and keep a high level of motivation. Many of them literally cannot imagine training without access to the application, and this is an upward trend.

Is it wrong? Absolutely not. It has long been known that monitoring progress is an important element on the road to success.

That's why now is the perfect time to start your adventure with your own training application. Fitebo is at your fingertips to support you at every step in the development of your online business. Join the group of "big players" and build your brand and customer base by offering personalized training and unforgettable experiences.
